Understanding Domestic Violence Charges with Defense Strategies and Legal Options

Domestic violence charges are overwhelming and stressful—you may feel backed into a corner with the world tumbling around you. It’s a normal feeling, but you must pull yourself together. You have a long road ahead of you. Facing domestic violence charges is more manageable with reliable, knowledgeable legal representation, so keep reading to understand what […]

The Consequences of a Criminal Record and How it Can Impact Your Future

At the time of a criminal charge, you may feel overwhelmed, angry, scared, and frustrated. It could be your first or tenth offense—the reaction is typically the same regardless of how often you’ve been charged. You are filled with adrenaline and fear, but those feelings are short-term emotions when you must cope with the long-term […]

What to Expect After a DUI Arrest: Protecting Your Rights

Everyone makes mistakes. You’re human…no one is immune to errors, and a DUI arrest can be one of those. It’s a stressful, frustrating, and overwhelming experience, but CEGA Law Group can help you navigate the situation. Read up on what happens after a DUI arrest and how you can handle it while protecting your rights. […]

What You Should Know About Plea Bargaining in Criminal Cases

When you’ve made a mistake and come up on a criminal charge, a case has several outcomes. One of the most common, especially for first-time offenders or individuals with non-violent charges, is a plea bargain. This kind of negotiation can provide a sense of certainty for the accused, helping them avoid the unpredictability of a […]